Koala Theodora

More than half a Billion animals have perished in wildfires.

Another half is seriously burned and injured - suffering in dark corners of the woods. 

It isHeartbreaking, what a tragedy.

Pushing Koala's onto the brink of the endangered species list…

You & I can shed some tears looking at videos of those half burned Koalas or Kangaroos 

Or rant about how horrible life is…

Sympathy or anger won’t save them.  


But only the action will...

So we took action & created this limited edition Koala Theodora watch,

Simply because we want to raise awareness & support the healing of these burned animals. 

We are donating 10% of every sale to The Australian Koala Foundation. 


If you care and are willing to take action (not just wallowing in sappy emotions)

Click the add to cart button and buy this limited edition Koala Theodora watch...So you too can support the rescue and healing of these poor animals.  

And show the people around you... 

That you care for these innocent animals that are suffering,

And you took action to change this suffering... 


By wearing this Koala Theodora Watch you urge others around you to take action to change this suffering. 

And if you know somebody who would care and willing to take actions to support this innocent creatures... please share this post. 

That way we can create a massive movement who care and take actions.

Click here and purchase to join our mission.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Adam elazar Zohn lor
Still have not gotten it

Its been like almost a year back since i placed the order and i still have not gotten it yet. Its a good thing you're finally responding atleast
